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I create nature-based works of landscapes, flora, and fauna. Each piece is created realistically with undertones of whimsy, light, and color details that add a surreal storybook feel yet with overall elements of naturalism.

Using fabrics, Aurafil threads, paints, and sewing machines, I look to capture my subject so the viewer comes away identifying with the piece personally and emotionally.
I was born and raised in Reno, Nevada. I took drawing in High school and college and graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno.
My true love is in fabric and my love of sewing. As a child, I loved just visiting the fabric stores and dreaming of what each piece of fabric was trying to become. I imagined the pieces would say, “I wanna be a scarf,” or Another saying, “I want to become a blouse!”

I still go to my favorite fabric stores and browse the aisles wondering at all the possibilities for all the fabrics there.
My textile journey has lead me to Art Quilting after taking several classes from several textile artists. I have become a juried artist and member of Reno Open Studios ( am a national juried artist and a member of Studio Art Quilt Associates ( I am a guest artist at the Artist co-cp in Reno and a member of The Sierra Arts Foundation.
My goal is to continue to create textile art with detailing that inspires joy.