Good Morning,
I have been busy this year and wanted to share my work and show schedule for the year as well as some art specials which may interest you. This will be a long blog so bear with me.

Last year I went to a seminar with Andrea Brokenshire to learn to paint silk. I has a wonderful time in Pacific Grove, California at the Seminar and felt that I would like to add this medium to my quilting. Still I had other things to do before I could continue my silk painting journey. I put away my silk piece and worked on other commitments until the new year.
With the new year started, I decided it was time to bring out the silk painting and decided to finish my class project. I started another smaller piece to warm up and then finished my LadySlipper.

by Holly Gardner
This Chickadee is entitled “ Here Comes the Sun.” For those of you who have followed my work you know of my husband’s surgeries and the PTSD I incurred. This piece , “Here Comes the Sun, reflects my feelings about this whole situation. As bad as it was with Bryan’s health, Bryan was able to get great medical care and recover to the point where he is better than ever. Truly the Lord had blessed us and I feel a new sense of joy.
So with this new sense of peace I have been able to create and paint anew. This piece is not yet quilted but will be soon.

We also decided to travel more. We went to Chamonix, France and Courmayeur, Italy on a wonderful ski trip. I just fell in love with the shops and mountain there.

There was also a restaurant called the Rose Du Pont. It was just remodeled in an Art Nuevo style and I was in awe of the decor so much so that I coerced my husband to go 3 times for hot chocolate and cappuccinos.

I have been studying different times in art for a S.A.Q.A exhibit I would like to enter. I have chosen to create a piece in the Art Nuevo style. If it is accepted it will be displayed around the country for a couple of years. The piece will be for sale so if you are interested in it or any of the pieces let me know. I also can create a custom piece if you desire. I will let you know in a future blog if I am excepted.

I have 3 upcoming shows this year. My first is with the Sierra Arts Foundation with following artists, Roger Kinnerman and Candace Garlock for the month of May. The Reception is May 18th from 12pm to 4pm. At the downtown location. Be sure to come and see my work especially if you love my landscapes and birds as much of my works will be those works. I will give out my art greetings cards to those who read my blog and say, “ Hey I read your blog may I have a greeting cards of your work?”
My next show will be at the Reno Quilt Show at the GSR in the Silver State Pavilion ( in the basement). It is June 13- 15th, 10am to 5pm on the 13th and 14th and 10am to 4pm. There will be many quilts for display and some for sale. I will not be at my exhibit but there will be white gloved dosuns to assist you should you want to look at a quilt closer. There is a fee to get into this show but here is a coupon for a discount.
Finally, I am doing a one day show at the Wilbur May Museum on Sept. 21st. This show is with the American Gourmet Club and will feature wild life art and landscapes. There will be a fee for this show, however, if you join the club the fee will be discounted. If you don’t there will still be wonderful food served at this event. I will send out another blog with more details to follow.
Finally, I wanted to share an art sale with my good friend and colleague Lynn Starns of Great Wildlife Photos. She is changing locations and will be have a blow out sale at her old location at the Nevada Market Place located in the Reno Town Mall 4001 S. Virginia St. starting on March 18th until things are sold out (expect a couple of weeks). Framed photos and unframed photos will be heavily discounted.
Well this has been a really long blog and I thank you for taking the time to read it. I hope to see you at one of my various shows. Blessings and have a wonderful day.
Holly Gardner