So this blog is long overdue. My apologies. So much has happened in the past 3 months. I will certainly elaborate on that at the end of my blog. In the meantime let me talk about how I started working in art quilting.
Interestingly, It all started with my wanting a picture of fall birch trees above the bed. You know the ones where the trees carry you off to some far-off woodland and memorize you away for what you are currently doing. Anyway, when I approached my husband with the idea he told me we could not because of the recent earthquakes in our area. By the way, did you feel the 5.9 earthquake the other day?
So then I saw an art quilting class at my local quilting store Sierra Sewing. Nancy Ryan was teaching a beginning art quilting class. The wheels in my head were spinning. Surely, my hubby couldn’t object to a quilt above our bed. After all, it would hurt if it comes down.
Now, I have always loved fabrics and I have more than I care to reveal, but learning to create art with fabric and thread has become an obsession for me.
When I created my first piece I was thrilled and that led me to my first art show with Reno Open Studios 8 months later in which case the first piece sold.
From there, I took a retreat from Sophie Standing through the Fabric Chicks. I loved the first project, a quail, so much I created 4 more and signed up for Sophie’s next retreat in which case we did a wolf.
But what is Thread Painting anyway? Some people call it Free-motion Embroidery. The terms are the same. Essentially, one is drawing with thread, however, technically speaking one must have a sewing machine that allows the operator to drop the feed dogs on the machine and stitch with colored thread as one were drawing or coloring.
One can use an embroidery hoop to stabilize the fabric or use a heavy iron-on stabilizer on the back to keep the drawing from puckering.
Still, overall the designs take some practice and there is a bit of trial and error in it.
But what I love about this medium is that when you combine the texture of thread with the patterns of fabrics and then the patterns and texture of quilting in the background the possibilities are endless.
Also, these quilts are soft and help with acoustics in a room, and mention they don’t hurt if they come off the wall during an earthquake.
In the following photos and videos, I want to demonstrate some of the thread painting and how it works.
The first blog points out more of the types of photos I use. In the end, each piece is a process that I map out.
In wrapping up this blog I wanted to explain my blog absence. First of all, I decided to upgrade my sewing machine from a sewing machine to a long arm quilting machine.
Let Me introduce you to Rosie the riveter. I wanted to be able to take my quilting to a new level.
I am now in the process of learning this new machine and the learning curve is high but I think in the end it will help me to get quilts done quicker and with less stress on my body.
Secondly, Last year I became President of Reno Open Studios . Our current President had to step down. As a result, I had to learn as I go and put on a holiday art show in the middle of a pandemic. Thankfully with my existing board members, we were able to get licensing and put on a wonderful show and all with proper Covid compliance. So now coming around to another show and trying to keep up with my work and being President and a new machine blogging has been a challenge.
I also was accepted to the Reno Fine Arts Collective.
To see all my upcoming events go to my Events page on my website.
Reno Open Studios Show– August 20th- 22nd in which 29 artists being demonstrating their art and selling their wonderful pieces. My studio will be located at 1595 Lakeside Dr. Reno, Nevada
Sierra Arts Foundation Month of September- I will team up with textiles artists Nancy Ryan and Denise Oyama Miller and watercolor artist Kathryn Dudley.
Reno Open Studios Holiday Show November 12th-14th. Scheduled at the Summit Mall ( Check the website for confirmation.
Spanish Springs Library- November and December- featured artist.
Come and see these two pieces are in my Sierra Arts Foundation Show this September.

Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.