One of the best things about living in Nevada is the Skies and cloud formations. I once heard that in Reno we have 99 out of 100 different possible cloud formations.
With my iPhone, I am constantly gathering photos of the sky.
As an art quilter, I am always looking for a way to put some of those skies into my quilts. Some of the techniques include paint and confetti quilting, however, I decided to dig out my wool and viscose roving and incorporate it into my quilts.
Viscose is made from wood pulp and is typically used in felting and weaving and making silk paper. It brings a luster that is perfect for dramatic skies.
I had been hoarding my stash of fiber for a few years now and I felt it was time to break it out. I pulled it apart into thinner fibers and used two dog brushes to shred it and comb together different colors and as I saw that I liked the fiber combination I would pull it off and lay the fiber down on the quilt top. I layered over a colorful background of cotton fabric which was glued down ahead of time. Once I got all the fiber how I liked it, I placed a piece of black tulle over the quilt top and carefully pinned the fiber and tulle in place. Once the quilt top was all pinned, I placed it on my longarm machine which, I had already set up with backing and batting.
Free Motion quilting with Rosie my newest friend.
Using clear monofilament thread, I densely stitched the quilt together in 1/4 free-motion rows, pulling the pins as I went on as not run over them.
The result was fantastic. The roving brings a painterly abstract and dreamy look to the landscape that does justice to the Nevada Photo I had taken.
Washoe After Rain by Holly Gardner
Our Studio for the show is at 1595 Lakeside Dr. Reno, NV .We are open from 10 am to 5 pm from August 20- 22.
My art partner Kathryn Dudley and I are doing demonstrations of our art and there will be pieces available for sale.
We both have raffle prizes to which all proceeds go to the UNR scholarship fund, with the drawing held at the close of Sunday’s show. No need to be present to win.
If you like the look of this technique and want to see it in person, Come to The Reno Open studios show this weekend.
Speaking of Kathryn Dudley. Look at these water color pieces she will have to look at.
Water Color by Kathryn Dudley
Both Kathryn and I are working on our pieces in anticipation of seeing all of you at the show this weekend, however, If you can’t make it feel free to contact either of us if there is a piece that has caught your eye or you would like to commission either of us. We are both available to work specifically with your tastes or your designer. I linked Kathryn’s Facebook page and here is my website with contact info.
Looking forward to our visit this weekend.
Holly Gardner